A fishy update

May 21, 2007 toddvogts 0

Well, I have some bad news about my fish. I went to purchase them today, and the lady working advised me not to buy all […]

Liquid Gold

May 15, 2007 toddvogts 0

My gas tank holds 20 gallons. With fuel prices approaching $3.50, I’m paying at least $50 every time I fill up. Why? Aren’t oil companies […]

No bueno . . .

May 12, 2007 toddvogts 0

Well, I took my Spanish final this morning, and after the first page, I was fairly certain I was taking the wrong final because I […]

A new direction

May 11, 2007 toddvogts 0

The past few days have been quite interesting due to a variety of reasons. However, through all of the oddness, I have found a new […]


May 1, 2007 toddvogts 0

So here I am. I finally migrated from the world of coding my own blogs to using one of these great services on-line. I hope […]