Late Work, Missed Assignments, and Extra Credit

Late Work

My courses focus on the study of communication, journalism, and media. These are deadline-driven professions. Missing a deadline is not acceptable in the professional world. Therefore, late work is not accepted in my courses.

The nature of a modern course requires that assignment deadlines be absolute and participation completed by the prescribed deadlines. This allows you to work at your own pace within the confines of the deadlines, but it also means you must be diligent and keep up with the work. A lot of this will entail writing assignments, content creation, exams, and discussions, as well as other more course-specific work.

If an assignment is missing, it immediately becomes a zero. There are no excuses for not completing work, even in the instance of computer hardware malfunction because you should know the tools that exist and are available to you. Simply put, there is no excuse for late work or missing assignments. 

I reserve the right to amend this policy as needed or grant an extension solely at my discretion when circumstances of a dire nature dictate such an allowance. However, you should not count on an allowance being made.

Missed Assignments

Missed assignments cannot be made up without my approval. I will not accept assignments sent via peers. It is your responsibility to obtain any assignments, handouts, and notes that you miss. I will not contact you regarding your absence.

Extra Credit

Extra credit to improve a grade is NOT an option in this course. The philosophy on this subject is that extra credit should be a reward for positive work, effort, or performance. Too often, students ask for extra credit in an attempt to make up for poor performance on an assignment or in another area of the course. Therefore, do not ask for extra credit. In extremely rare instances (think endangered species rare), extra credit may be offered for different tasks and/or activities, but these will be initiated by the professor at the sole discretion of the professor. Student requests asking for extra credit will not be entertained.