So, you remember how I have been hired to be the new head football coach at Western Plains High School?
Well, my assistant coach and five-star guy, WPHS Athletic Director Mike Jenner, held a meeting a couple weeks back to get students signed up to play next year.
The catch was, if they signed up and committed themselves to the team, they got to pick their own jersey numbers since it is the football program’s turn to order new jerseys.
Getting to pick your own number and have the jersey ordered in your size sounded like a pretty sweet deal to us coaches, and appearantly the students thought so too.
We got 21 students to sign up, including current eighth graders who will be freshman next year. That is awesome and considerably more than last year’s team.
I’m stoked. So stoked that I published a tentative roster on The Bobcat Nation.
What follows is the article I published there:
Western Plains High School is proud to announce it has 21 students signed up to play football next season.
These numbers include current eighth graders who will be freshman next year.
No positions have been determined at this time. During the first week of practice, every player will have the opportunity to vie for the position they wish to play.
However, jersey numbers have been selected because this year is the football team’s turn to get new jerseys. The deal was, if a student signed up and committed to play in the 2010-11 football season, they could select their own numbers.
A tentative roster and artist renditions of the new jerseys are as follows:
- Joel Hernandez, #3
- Dylan Moore, #8
- Chad Ryersee, #10
- Quentin Baker, #11
- Juan Mendez, #12
- Romeo Bonelli, #13
- Jason Crawford, #17
- Hugo Hernandez, #19
- Samuel Rivera, #20
- Casey Kraus, #21
- Saul Rivera, #23
- Chase Rein, #24
- Asael Rivera, #27
- Gram Darnell, #30
- Jared Stieben, #34
- Alfredo Trejo, #40
- Andrew Flax, #44
- Shawn Spivy, #68
- Colbey Foos, #71
- Austin Schwindt, #75
- Jonathan Benson, #90
- Head Coach Todd Vogts
- Assistant Coach Mike Jenner
The New Jerseys
Pictured here are artist illustrations of what the new home (the black ones on the left) and away (the white ones on the right) jerseys will look like.
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