Hello! Welcome to the Fall 2018 semester at Sterling College.
I am excited for the school year to start, and I am looking forward to meeting all of the students.
I am teaching the following courses this semester:
- CM209 Mass Media Writing
- CM319 Broadcast Journalism
- CM356 Web Design
- CM153J Journalism Lab
- CM153PR Public Relations Labs
I have a lot planned for each class. It will be a challenging, yet rewarding, semester if all goes well. On this site, you will find a lot of resources, and they will continually be added to. If you would like to see something on here that isn’t, just let me know. I want to make this website a valuable resource, so I will do what I can do accomplish that goal.
Obviously I am also using the Sterling College Learning Management System (LMS) too. My philosophy, though, is to make information as readily available as possible on multiple platforms. As such, eventually my syllabi will be available here, and I plan to post pertinent to my courses on here, just as I will in the LMS. In fact, if you follow @profvogts on Twitter, you will be able to be notified about class-specific information. It is a separate twitter feed from my main account (@toddvogts) because I eventually want to be able to use it as a platform for class exercises and whatnot. It may take a while to get this going they way I want to, but I wanted to get the account set up and going, even if slowly, to begin with. I will note, though, I do reserve the right to take my plans in a different direction if it isn’t serving its purpose.
I hope, as I am obviously new to Sterling College, you will give me some grace as the year begins. I’m actively working to get the LMS up and running, and I will be tweaking this website often too. Just know, I am here to help you succeed. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.