So I’ve published a novel, and it is on sale.
The next obvious step is to have a book signing, and I’ve got one scheduled.
It is taking place on Sept. 24 at The Bookshelf in McPherson, Kan. I will be selling books and signing copies from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
I deemed it a BYOB event, but that doesn’t stand for what you think it does. It means “Buy Your Own Book.” Clever, right?
This will be my first official book signing event. Of course, I have been signing copies of those who have already bought theirs, but I’m still beyond stoked for this event.
If you are free and so inclined, please come by. It is bound to be a good time, and I would love to see you all there.
As always, thank you for all your support. It means the world to me. You are all helping me live a dream I’ve had since I was in the fourth grade when I first started writing short stories.
And if you want to buy your own copy before then, check out my author website (www.sbpra.com/toddvogts.
Or you can visit Amazon.com or BarnesAndNobel.com.
And if you like the book, go “Like” my Facebook page too.
Thanks again, and I hope to see on Sept. 24.