This is kind of neat.
On Thursday, The Lawrence Journal-World announced a special, 13-week subscription rate for those who are unemployed and have the proper paperwork, which means a current, Kansas unemployment statement.
According to an Associated Press report, LJW Circulation Director Chris Bell said the paper “wants unemployed residents to stay connected to the news, and to be aware of job openings and advertising specials.”
People can sign up through Feb. 19.
This is noble, but LJW has a fantastic online operation where most of this stuff can be found. So maybe they are just wanting to get more papers into consumers’ hands in order to validate why advertisers should run in their paper.
Is that possible? Or am I being to cynical for thinking there might be ulterior motives behind this? Maybe. Maybe not.
Either way, I think it is a pretty cool thing to do in a time when everyone is struggling.