Western Kansas has been slammed with a blizzard. We didn’t have school today, and we got dismissed early Monday. This means Monday night’s Christmas concert was cancelled, and the basketball game that was supposed to happen tonight isn’t going to.
This morning, Kansas Highway 4, which runs right through Ransom and Arnold, Kan., was closed.
Christmas break is upon us, and as a teacher I would normally be hitting the road by now to go back to McPherson County to see my family and friends.
But the road is closed.
I could have outran the really nasty stuff Monday afternoon, but I was lucky enough to get to drive a bus route in the blizzard.
So today I have been watching documentary after documentary on Netflix, and it hasn’t been a complete waste. I’ve gotten quite a bit done. I did some grading, wrapped a few Christmas presents and more. Most importantly, and the purpose of this post, I went tromping through the snow to take pictures of the drifts.
I’m going to share my five favorite photos here. Then I will put a link to all 33 images I shot.
And for those of you who know my house’s previous trials with the cold, we haven’t ran out of propane yet.
Snowmageddon 2011
Want more photos? Click this link: https://plus.google.com/photos/112858175849196183036/albums/5688358830027059537?authkey=COKMvKez1fe4NQ