It has been a long time. Far too long, actually.
I haven’t posted in a long time because of work and school. Of course, I do work at a school, but that’s not what I mean.
I too am taking classes through Fort Hays State University to complete my master’s degree and earn my teaching certificate. I’m doing this through the Transition to Teaching program, and since my last post, which was Spring Break, I have been extremely busy finishing up my classes for the semester. I’m done now, though, at least for a few days before the Summer Semester begins.
As for my work of teaching high school journalism, my students did great! They won numerous awards. I can’t talk about those on here because this is my personal blog and not a school blog, but if you want to know how well we did, follow the breadcrumbs by clicking here.
It was a great year, especially for my first year as a teacher. However, due to all of my successes in the classroom, this blog has suffered. Greatly.
That’s going to change this summer. I’m going to post more often. I promise. I’m going to make every effort to post something — anything — at least once a week.
So, if you’re still here and reading this blog, thank you for sticking with me. I swear I’m going to do better. And if you’ve stumbled across this post by chance, welcome and enjoy.
I just wanted post and tell everyone that The Voice is back from the dead! I’ve dusted off the dashboard and cleared out all the category cobwebs. It’s time to get back to blogging.