Greensburg Rebirth magazine released

Greensburg Rebirth: The Magazine

On May 4, 2007, an EF-5 nearly wiped the small, western Kansas town of Greensburg off the map.

Media outlets from across the state and the country flocked to the town to cover the tragedy.

Wichita State University‘s Elliott School of Communication also got in on the act.

For the summers of 2008 and 2009, ESC professor Les Anderson took a class of communication students to Greensburg for two weeks each summer.

There, they talked with the residents. They wrote stories and blog entries. They shot photographs and video.

All of these pieces were completed with one goal in mind – to document the rebirth of a community nearly lost forever.

All the stories from both years can be found at

The project has been a huge success, with professionals and educators from the state applauding the efforts of the project.

And now, following the second year of the project, the class leaders decided to make a print piece cataloging the work the students have done.

It is called Greensburg Rebirth: The Magazine, and after months of production, it is finished.

ECS design guru Amy DeVault produced the magazine with the help of others. It was printed via HP’s MagCloud on-demand service. Interested individuals may purchase a copy of the magazine here:

I helped with the class both years and enjoyed it greatly. I have several photos featured in the magazine, and one story about the class I wrote is also included. You can read it here on this blog.

To see all the posts I wrote about the Greensburg Rebirth project, check out the “Greensburg Rebirth” category here at The Voice.

Enjoy the magazine and all the great work the students did!

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About toddvogts 853 Articles
Todd R. Vogts, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of media at Sterling College in Kansas. Previously, he taught yearbook, newspaper, newsmagazine, and online journalism in various Kansas high schools, and he ran a weekly newspaper in rural Kansas. He continues to freelance as a professional journalist from time to time. Also, Vogts is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), the Journalism Education Association (JEA), and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), among others. He earned his Master Journalism Educator (MJE) certification from JEA in 2022. When he’s not teaching or writing, he runs his mobile disk jockey service and takes part in other entrepreneurial ventures. He can be reached at or via his website at