From a journalistic perspective, this whole ordeal has been interesting, giving journalists much to writing and opine about. Of course, the most interesting, and potentially scandalous and dirty part, may yet be on its way.
Gill has a daughter attending KU, and so did Mangino when he got the job.
The University Daily Kansan, which is the student newspaper serving the KU community, interviewed Mangino’s daughter when her father was hired. It isn’t outside of the realm of possibility to think the UDK might do the same for Gill.
I just hope the UDK journalists are a little more careful in their headline writing this time because the Mangino hiring story had the following title:
“Student excited dad got head job”
I am not joking. Click here to see the story.
The copy editors must have been asleep at the desk. And honestly, I’m kind of glad they were because this is hilarious.
I love journalism.