Wet, muddy and worried about what to do, the student journalists of Buhler High School preserved through less-than-ideal conditions last Friday as they competed in the high school newsletter competition at the Kansas State Fair.
I was their mentor, and although I wasn’t allowed to jump in and help them, I was impressed to see the students adapt so quickly and so well.
They came into the competition with a strong plan and mocked up newsletter design.
However, a majority of their plans were jeopardized by the soggy weather.
The pressure of a 6 p.m. deadline got the team moving.
They brainstormed and poured over the fair’s daily schedule to come up with content ideas to fill the gaps left by the rain.
I was most happy that instead of feeling like the rain was a defeating blow, they realized that was a part of the story for that day.
See, the entire premise of the contest, which was called the “Scholastic Press Corps,” was the one area high school attended the fair each weekday and the entire day to produce a four-page newsletter.
Each school was assigned a couple specific stories, primarily pertaining to livestock and agriculture.
They could come with a design and story ideas, but all the photos and articles had to be produced that day and then put onto the pages.
It was the inaugural year for this contest, so no one knew how to best prepare. Even so, I am told all the schools did a great job.
I had a good time being there as a sounding board for the students. If they had a question or wanted me to look at something, I responded in the only fashion I was allowed as per the rules. I made suggestions and asked them questions to spur them in what I believed to be was the correct direction.
Later this fall I will be attending a ceremony in which the winning school will be crowned.
I have my fingers crossed Buhler will be named champion, but even if they’re not, I am proud of what they did.
I hope I get to be a mentor again next year. I had a lot of fun, and I came away from it a little wiser.
Next year, if it is raining I will be sure not to wear jeans that drag on the ground.
With all the water on the ground and needing to follow students as they walked around cattle, horses and pigs, I am not sure what all my jeans soaked up, but I do know that it smelled and was a bit yellow.
Not a good sign, I’m sure.
CGHS Hosts First School Dance
After I wrapped up being a mentor, I had to switch gears and be a disk jockey.
I am the owner of Lucky Se7en Mobile DJ Services, and Canton-Galva High School was the first school to hire me this academic year.
After the football team decimated Centre High School in a shutout horse whipping, the Canton-Galva students came into the school’s commons area and dancing commenced.
Those who attend the dances always seem to have a good time, and I genuinely enjoy providing the music for them.
Approaching my five-year anniversary of being in business, I am thankful for Canton-Galva’s continued support and patronage, and I look forward to providing music for their events for years to come.
Weekend Sees Car Catastrophes
Following the Canton-Galva dance, I came home to Moundridge.
Of course, it was raining and had been all day, so my car had gotten quite wet as I traveled down the various roads I needed to traverse in order to reach all my destination throughout my busy Friday.
Apparently, all the extra moisture wrecked havoc on my car’s electronics system.
At 1 a.m. Saturday, my car’s alarm started sounding.
I couldn’t get it to stop.
I tried hitting the buttons on my keychain remote, but there is no panic button.
I started the car, and it continued to make sounds.
I even popped the hood open with the idea of disconnecting the battery in order to silence the alarm.
Of course, once I had the hood up and took a look inside, I remembered that I don’t have the slightest clue how to disconnect the battery.
I shut the hood and began to kick the front of my car, hoping I would jar something and make it go silent.
Lights started to come on in my neighbor’s house, and I was sure the cops were going to get called as people became angry that my car was screeching in the middle of the night.
In a panic I began to call people I thought could help me, and as I reached the voice mail message of my would-be savior, the car went silent.
The rest of the night and into the next morning, my car frequently made a clicking noise as if it were unlocking itself.
As Saturday wore on, the clicking stopped.
I apologize to all my neighbors who were so rudely awakened by my car’s panic alarm.
My face is red with embarrassment, but Sunday helped lessen the shame.
My brother, Troy, had car problems too.
He drives an old Ford Explorer. The same vehicle I used to drive and put a lot of wear and tear on.
Saturday night Troy said he noticed a strange noise coming from the front tires.
Something to do with the vehicle’s four-wheel drive mechanism was protruding from the center of the front, driver’s side tire.
My father worked on fixing the problem, and he got the vehicle moving again.
I stood by and watched.
Personally, I enjoyed the fact that for once Troy had car troubles.
He is more car savvy than I am, so for my father to have to bail him out means a lot to me.
I took pictures (such as the one above), just so I can rub it in his face later.
I think he’ll appreciate that, especially coming from his car-dumb brother.
So you’re into this teaching thing?
Any other high schools competing with Nickerson?