As of this week, The Ledger now has a news Web site.
I have been working on it for the past few weeks, and I finally have it up and running with the domain name pointing to it.
You can see it at http://www.ledgernewspaper.net.
I am using a WordPress install, which gives me a Content Management System without needing to build an infrastructure for the site.
I am using a free theme I found online.
It is called Hamasaki, and it is created by Nurudin Jauhari.
Initially, I had a splash page with general contact information parked at the domain, but with a java script, it now automatically redirects to the WordPress install.
I am very happy to finally have a Web site to use.
As Ledger editor, I will be responsible for all the content on the site, just as I am responsible for all the content in the print edition.
I hope to be able to use the site to provide extra photos and content that couldn’t be accommodated in the print edition.
Also, I plan on incorporating multimedia facets to my coverage of Inman and Moundridge.
Though the site is up and running in a satisfactory manner, I will continue to tweak it and create a product that is truly useful to online readers.
I have big goals for the site, so check it often.
And I welcome feedback. Please let me know what you think.
Again, the Web address is http://www.ledgernewspaper.net.