I am proud to announce I now have an official author website: www.authortoddvogts.com
It took some time. I spent a lot of time planning and coding it all, but I am pleased with how it turned out. I hope it serves me and my readers well. I will be continually tweaking it and adding more features, but for now, it is a good start, I think.
Also, I set up a Google+ Page. I’ve been debating how to enter the world of Google+ for quite a while. Finally I decided a page was the best bet. I hope I gain a few new followers on it soon. If you are a Google+ user, please consider giving me a follow: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108026673245701343762/108026673245701343762/
As always, for more blog posts about Author Todd Vogts, check here: https://voiceofthevogts.wordpress.com/?s=Murder+at+St.+Alfanus
And you can follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/authortoddvogts
Or there is always Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/toddvogts
And if you are needing to purchase a paperback or ebook copy of “Murder at St. Alfanus,” visit http://authortoddvogts.com/salelinks/.