EDITOR’S NOTE: What follows is a letter I received at the end of February from a sweet lady living in Ransom, Kan. She read my book — “Murder at St. Alfanus” — and enjoyed it so much she wrote me. This letter absolutely made my day. With her permission, I am reprinting it.

Dear Todd Vogts,
At the library book signing, you said that you would like to have some “feed back” after we read your book. That is very easy to do because it was an enjoyable read, even though you left us in horrible suspense from page 29 to the end of the book.
The story was riveting, and I like the way you used conversation to move the story along, as well as to make the characters come alive.
I like the way you divided the story into short chapters, and Part Four was the perfect way to end the book. After all the turmoil and excitement, the quiet contemplative scene at the cemetery gave us the final answers as to how everything was resolved.
Your dedication is inclusive, thoughtful and appreciative. Congratulations, also, on your acknowledgments, which come across as frank and friendly — leaving us with a smile.
Finally, chapter Thirty-Three gives us hope that we may get to hear how Tyler Fox gets along at WSU.
We are looking forward to your visit to Book Club next month.
Virginia Crabtree