It is that time of the week again. It is time to look at my favorite newspaper front page of the week.
As always, I culled through the front pages shown at Newseum.org and picked my favorite.
So here it is:
Texarkana Gazette
First, sorry I’m late, but, I figure it’s better late than never, right?
Anyway, I’m going to keep this short and sweet.
For this week’s edition, I chose the Texarkana Gazette. The overall design isn’t great. It is very gray. There isn’t enough art to break up all the text.
I really like the centerpiece package. It is a cool story about a college radio station and how much of an impact college students working as they learn can have.
Also, I like the photo in that centerpiece package. It is clearly taken from a higher angle and shows what it is like to work in a radio station studio.
For me, this centerpiece package almost saves the entire page, but, the designers need to learn a little more about white space, pull quotes and anything else that can help break up the monotony. Even the main art piece — the radio studio picture — isn’t twice as big the picture of the singer at the bottom of the page, which breaks the rule that the dominant art piece is supposed to be twice as big as any other art element.
At least the radio story was a good read.