I must be living under a rock. Of course, that rock is probably called western Kansas because if I still lived closer to home, I know I would have heard about this before now.
Marck Cobb is running for U.S. Congress representing the 1st District, which includes McPherson County. He is running as a Republican, and he is looking to fill the seat vacated by Rep. Jerry Moran.
That’s great. I don’t know Cobb personally, but I was good friends with a foreign exchange student he hosted that attended the same high school as me — Canton-Galva High School.
The thing that kills me is he announced this on Nov. 11, 2009. Where was I?
In any event, the McPherson Sentinel ran a story about his campaign announcement on Nov. 12, 2009.
Here is some of what it said:
“Mark Cobb, a retired Air Force Lt. Col., made his run for Congress official Wednesday with an announcement during the McPherson Legion’s Veterans Day dinner.
Cobb retired from the U.S. Air Force in August, 1990, as the Deputy Chief of the Long Range Planning Division at the Pentagon.
He is a Vietnam veteran with more than 3,000 flying hours, has served as a delegate of the U.S. in Russia and is a a published scholar and his leadership spans from local organizations to international duties. He is also a licensed attorney that has worked at the local and state level and has served as a mediator and professor of law.”
In the story, Cobb said he “intends to run a low-budget, grassroots campaign that will take him across the 69-county first district.”
Cobb has a website about his campaign: www.cobbforcongress.net
Check out the site. Read about him and the issues he plans to tackle.
Again, it dissapoints me that I hadn’t heard about this before. Sure, I can blame it on the fact I don’t live in McPherson County anymore, but the 1st Congressional District includes Ness County, which is where I now live.

So when it is time to head to the polls, Cobb will have my vote. I hope you will look at his site and consider doing the same. He seems to have some solid ideas, and from what I know of him, he’s a good guy.