How do I get involved in these things?
Last week the Western Plains High School Bobcat Boys head coach, Jerod Horchem, asked my roommate, Travis Schafer, and I if we would play in a recreation league basketball game with him in Scott City.
We both agreed, so Sunday night we loaded up and drove the hour from Ransom to Scott City to play in the 8 p.m. game.
It was a lot of fun, and our team, which is comprised of people older than us, won quite handily, which is always nice.
Following the game the team leader, Greg Norris, came up to Travis and I and handed each of us a piece of paper.
“We don’t play on Super Bowl Sunday,” he said.
I took the sheet of paper and looked at it. I quickly realized it was the league schedule.
They were asking us to keep playing with them. I understood them asking Travis. He’s good. I never played basketball competitively. They must have been confused.
“So do you need someone to fill water bottles or something?” I asked.
He laughed. “We need someone with lungs.”
So there it was. I suck at basketball, yet now I was part of a team.
It’s crazy, but I am kind of excited. It was cool to play ball in front of people, even if I didn’t do much more than grab a few rebounds and brick an easy layup off the glass. I enjoyed myself.
So now, every Sunday, we will be heading back to Scott City to play in the league, which is sponsored by the Scott Recreation Commission.
Wish me luck.
Our schedule is as follows:
- Feb. 14 @ 5 p.m.
- Feb. 21 @ 7 p.m.
- Feb. 28 @ 7 p.m.
- March 7 @ 6 p.m.
- March 14 @ 7 p.m.
- March 21 @ TBA (tournament play)