Everyday I browse through newspaper front pages from around the country and the world via Newseum.org.
Recently, I have been taking in all the pages covering the tragic earthquake in Haiti.
Some of the pages have been great to look at, and some have been quite lacking. Either way, it kind of inspired me. I love looking at these pages, so maybe you readers of this blog might enjoy it too.
Therefore, I have decided that every Friday I am going to post my favorite front page from the week or the day. Sometimes these post will be filled with analysis of the page and design. Other times it will just be to share. Either way, I am looking forward to this new feature. I think it will be fun.
So here is the first “Front Page Friday” entry:
The Las Vegas Sun

I chose the front page of The Las Vegas Sun for my first entry because it is The Las Vegas Sun. The design didn’t jump out at me. The name did.
Well, that’s because this is the print product of one of my favorite news Web sites: www.lasvegassun.com.
That Web site produces so much multimedia goodness that I simply don’t have time to list it all, but trust me, the stuff they do is awesome.
When I own my own news company, I want to utilize a lot of what I see The Sun doing online. It’s that good.
Of course, such online efforts are spearheaded by Rob Curley, who is an Internet-journalism guru and one of my journalistic heroes.
The Las Vegas Sun is an interesting product. It operates as part of a Joint-Operation-Agreement, or JOA, under The Las Vegas Review-Journal. This means all the business activities are shared by the two papers.
The Sun contains no advertisements. They are all in The Review-Journal. Both the papers are daily, but The Sun acts more like a magazine and is inserted into The Review-Journal each day.
It’s an odd setup, but it works, especially when you factor in an online presence. This is where The Sun truly shines.
So much can be done, even though the “JOA that forbids The Sun from posting any of its content online before it appears in the print edition of the newspaper,” as Rob Curley wrote.
And since I am a huge fan of Curley, I began paying attention to The Sun when he took a job there. Now, if he left, I would still watch because it rocks.
So when I came across this front page of The Sun print edition, I was honestly taken aback a bit. I knew there was a print edition, but it never really registered that it actually existed. Weird, I know, but that’s the thought process I went through.
And because I was so interested in finally seeing what The Sun print edition looked like, I decided it would be the perfect front page to begin my new, weekly segment about.
I hope you enjoyed it and will check in next week for more.