Earlier this year, U.S. President Barack Obama instituted the CARS, or Car Allowance Rebate System, program, which was commonly known as the “Cash For Clunkers” initiative and paid people a subsidy if they traded their old vehicles in for newer, energy efficient cars.
This seemed like a great idea, except when you factor in two things: First, if the people need a subsidy to purchase these new cars, what is the likelihood they can afford the payments on them? Second, the car dealers had to destroy the vehicles if they were traded in as part of a “Clunkers” deal, which means many, quality used cars and trucks had to be destroyed, and the dealers all didn’t necessarily get paid right away for the participating in the program due to issues on the government’s end.
I could go on and on about my feelings of this program, but that’s not what this post is about today.
Instead, I wanted to share something cool I found online at PBS Newshour.
The Patchwork Nation part of the site, which is a reporting project aiming to keep a finger on the pulse of what is happening in the United States by looking different kinds of communities, has an awesome interactive map that shows how much money each county in the United States received via the “Clunkers” subsidy.
Here is a link to the map: Wealthy Counties Drive Off With ‘Clunker’ Subsidies
This is a great piece of reporting that breaks down data. I could eat up a lot of space and time on this blog talking about how cool I think it is, but for brevity’s sake, I’ll just say I love it.
I’ve spent a lot of time looking at it. I glanced at all the states, but I was most interested in Kansas.
How much money did the Sunflower State pull in from this program?
Below, I’ve broken down the numbers the map provided. I think this is pretty fascinating, and I hope you do too.
Kansas Clunker Cash
The states are listed from west to east.
Cheyenne: $0
Sherman: $43,000
Wallace: $0
Greeley: $0
Hamilton: $0
Stanton: $0
Morton: $0
Rawlins: $0
Thomas: $41,000
Logan: $20,500
Wichita: $0
Kearny: $0
Grant: $13,500
Stevens: $13,500
Scott: $29,500
Finney: $237,000
Haskell: $0
Seward: $106,600
Decatur: $0
Sheridan: $0
Gove: $0
Lane: $0
Gray: $0
Meade: $8,000
Norton: $0
Graham: $0
Trego: $0
Ness: $0
Hodgeman: $0
Ford: $668,500
Clark: $0
Phillips: $3,500
Rooks: $0
Ellis: $252,000
Rush: $0
Pawnee: $40,000
Edwards: $0
Kiowa: $9,000
Comanche: $0
Smith: $0
Osborne: $13,500
Russell: $0
Barton: $267,500
Stafford: $0
Pratt: $25,000
Barber: $7,000
Jewell: $0
Mitchell: $106,500
Lincoln: $0
Ellsworth: $0
Rice: $3,500
Reno: $1,334,000
Kingman: $19,500
Harper: $46,500
Republic: $21,500
Cloud: $33,000
Ottawa: $0
Saline: $362,500
McPherson: $198,000
Harvey: $63,500
Sedgwick: $8,729,000
Sumner: $42,000
Washington: $0
Clay: $103,000
Dickinson: $184,500
Marion: $62,500
Butler: $682,000
Cowley: $155,500
Marshall: $20,500
Riley: $1,020,000
Pottawatomie: $9,000
Geary: $313,000
Wabaunsee: $0
Morris: $15,000
Lyon: $391,000
Chase: $0
Greenwood: $0
Elk: $0
Chautauqua: $0
Nemaha: $52,000
Jackson: $97,500
Shawnee: $2,086,500
Osage: $13,500
Coffey: $3,500
Woodson: $0
Wilson: $0
Montgomery: $182,500
Brown: $0
Doniphan: $0
Atchison: $53,000
Jefferson: $0
Leavenworth: $393,500
Wyandotte: $479,000
Douglas: $1,309,000
Johnson: $9,391,000
Franklin: $30,500
Miami: $427,500
Anderson: $137,000
Linn: $13,500
Allen: $41,000
Bourbon: $276,500
Neosho: $102,000
Crawford: $50,000
Labette: $156,000
Cherokee: $148,000
TOTAL: $31,157,100
A Little Breakdown:
— Of Kansas’ 105 counties, 41 percent (43 counties) did not receive subsidy money. Of course, counties could only receive the money if the car was sold in that county by a dealer. Many of these 43 counties may not have car dealerships.
— There were six counties that received more than $1 million dollars. They are Johnson ($9,391,000), Sedgwick ($8,729,000), Shawnee ($2,086,500), Reno ($1,334,000), Douglas ($1,309,000) and Riley ($1,020,000).
— Western-Kansas counties were the ones that typically received little or no subsidy money. Primarily, the money was concentrated in the eastern portion of the state.
Seems odd a county could have no car dealers. I was surprised on how many countys didn’t sell a car. Oh well the rich get richer.