So the investigation into University of Kansas Head Coach Mark Mangino and how he allegedly poked linebacker Artist Wright in the chest is still going, and it is getting more ridiculous.
Apparently this investigation is the first step the university must take in order to fire Mangino, according to his contract. KUSports.com has the story.
“In the event (Mangino) is suspected of engaging in serious criminal conduct, fraud, misappropriation or embezzlement, or discreditable conduct,” the contract reads according to the KUSports.com article, “the (athletic director) shall conduct or direct that an informal investigation be conducted into the circumstances.”
The contract does say that if Mangino is terminated, he would have 21 calendar days to submit a written appeal, which would then go to a committee to decide if the termination was just or not.
If they say it was, Mangino is out and wouldn’t receive the compensation he is entitled to. However, if the committee says it wasn’t just, then the firing would be deemed “without cause” and Mangino would either have to be reinstated or given his compensation.
Mangino is two wins shy of tying the school record of 52 wins, and he is poised to make $2 million per season for the next three years, according to the article.
Former players are trotting out to speak ill of Mangino, and, of course, none of them are brave enough to allow their names to be published. At least some of the players are supporting their coach.
I have been pretty vocal about how I think this entire ordeal is a big joke and most likely an attempt to punish Mangino for hitting a losing streak.
One of the players’ mommies, or at least someone claiming to be a Jayhawk football players’ mother, commented on my initial post.
She kept things short, basically calling me stupid because I “should not speak about things [I] know nothing about!”
“Mother of Kansas Player” also attacked Mangino.
“Your beloved coach is a fat, round Hitler!”
Really, lady? You’re comparing him to a guy that murdered thousands upon thousands of Jews? You’re comparing having a temper to wanting to control the world and kill anyone that wasn’t like him? You’re comparing genocide to yelling and finger poking?
Of course. That makes sense.
And so the guy likes to eat. Does that really have anything to do with situation at hand?
Maybe, though, you should tell your son to stop being such a little girl and stop clinging to mommy’s apron strings.
The current and former players who are crying foul need to take a step back and think like men for a moment.
First, did the things they are alleging Mangino really hurt them permanently or was he just trying to help them become men? Obviously if Mangino was trying to help these guys succeed in life by showing them some tough love, he didn’t quite get the job done because they are still acting like children.
Second, the players get enormous scholarships to go play football. They probably didn’t have to pay for hardly any of their educations, and yet they are complaining?
Stop biting the hand that feeds you.
I feel the timing of this news coming out is more than suspicious, especially considering “the big baby” Wright supposedly got poked during the week before the Oct. 17 game against Colorado.
From my perspective, it seems like KU Athletic Director Lew Perkins, who held the meeting with players about Mangino without the big guy’s knowledge, wants to get rid of Mangino even though the big guy has done so much for the program, such as improve the winning abilities and the classroom work of the team members.
I don’t know what Perkins might have against Mangino, but why else would he be telling all of this information about the on-going situation to the media while the season is still going? If the alleged finger poking took place in October and nothing was said then, why say something now?
The only reason, as KUSports.com reported, is to get rid of Mangino, which would be a huge mistake and send the KU football program back into the cellar. Just because Perkins became A.D. after Mangino was already coach and Perkins probably doesn’t feel like Mangino is “his coach” is no reason to drive a nail into the coffin of the KU football program.
But even if they do get rid of Mangino, he won’t be jobless for long. He’s too good. Some program will scoop him up, and he’ll probably end up making more money.
KU takes on the Texas Longhorns today, and I hope they get a win despite the brouhaha bubbling in Lawrence. Winning will help prove Mangino isn’t guilty of any misconduct and isn’t letting it affect him.