Monday nights are production nights for the paper I work for – The Ledger.
My car’s transmission was low on fluid, so without time to purchase more fluid I decided to ride my motorcycle to Halstead, Kan., where the paper is produced.
In retrospect, this was a mistake.
As the paper neared completion, the wind picked up and rain began to fall.
Soon my co-worker and I heard tones being broadcast across the police bands.
As soon as I heard the police scanner emitting those tones, I knew what was happening.
The tornado sirens were being activated.
After a couple tries, the tones finally kicked the sirens on, and they began to howl along with the wind.
My co-worker and I ran to the door way and looked outside.
We couldn’t see much in the sky except rain and hail streaking down from the heavens and slamming against the pavement.
I looked over at where I had parked my motorcycle.
The wind was making it rock back and forth on the kickstand.
I began to worry about my bike falling over, and my co-worker suggested bringing it into the office.
I would have done so in a heartbeat, but it wouldn’t fit through the door. I knew that.
Instead, I continued to stare out the window watching the storm beat down on my motorcycle while listening to the scanner babble about damaged trees and downed power lines.
Eventually, the sirens ceased their wailing and the wind and rain all but stopped falling.
The paper was finished, so I decided to take advantage of the weather clearing and head back to Moundridge, Kan.
My crotch and buttock instantly became wet as I climbed aboard my hog.
“That’s one reason to be more vigilant of the weather before going on a ride,” I said to myself as I fired up the engine.
I drove to a nearby gas pump and topped off my tank because I never want to be caught without fuel again.
Then I got onto the highway and headed north toward home.
As soon as my motorcycle tires made contact with the asphalt, the rain began again.
Very fun, Mother Nature. You’re hilarious.
Luckily it didn’t hail during my 15-mile ride.
The rain pelted me as I raced home in an attempt to outrun whatever bit of Mother Nature’s furry was behind me. It stung, but I figured it was best to get home quickly and not be caught outside any longer than necessary.
I was witness to an incredible light show.
Lightning arced across the sky making me wish I had my camera to capture some to the incredible artwork sweeping across the sky.
By the time I stepped foot into my house, I was soaked, but I had gained valuable riding experience.
From now on, though, I am going to monitor the weather more closely before I go for a ride.
Or at least I will take my camera with me next time.
I can’t miss those photo opportunities again, regardless of how worried I am about my helmet becoming a lightning rod.
you left out the part of me telling you what was going on in Mcpherson county while you were in halstead