Since I can remember I have spent the Easter holiday with my family on the farm north of Canton.
Initially, Grandma and Grandpa Vogts lived there. Now, Uncle Stacy and Aunt Brenda own it, but the tradition has remained regardless of who lives there.
A meal always takes place, and lots and lots of conversations are had. It is a Vogts function after all.
But the main event is always the hunting.
There is an egg and pop hunt for children through age 10, and this takes place in the front yard around the house.
That is fun to watch, but it still isn’t the main event . . . really.
The big show takes place after the youngsters have had their fun. That’s when all the older children, ranging from age 11 and up and including the adults who act like children, who is everyone in attendance basically, head outside for the great pop hunt.
Uncle Stacy hides the cans of pop all over the property, and everyone stampedes out in hopes of being the first person to get their allotted number of sodas.
This year was all the same, except for a few minor hiccups.
For example, only two youth hunted for the eggs and pop in their area because attendance of individuals of that age was low.
Also, it was quite damp outside, which is something that hasn’t been encountered before as far as I can recollect.
The rain and wind did not deter anyone though, and all in attendance actively sought their shares of the soda prizes.
Although, Aunt Sue did whine extensively about her socks getting wet. She said wet socks are as bad as wet pants.
Uncle Stacy said a total of 145 cans of pop were hidden, and by the time everyone had had enough of the rain and hunting, Stacy said there were still about 10 cans left waiting to be found.
Uncle Stuart went into extra innings to find more, but he wasn’t too successful as he only found a couple more.
Brother Troy did find one can from last year, which I shot with a pellet gun to the amusement of all the male cousins, and I imagine several more pops will be found as the year progresses. In fact, a few might not turn up until next Easter, unless Uncle Stacy just retrieves them himself.
Following the hunting, the boys took on the girls in a board game. Can you guess who won? If not, just ask Cousin Ashley. She’ll tell you, but then she’ll probably try to saw us boys cheated.
Prior to supper, the men gathered in front of the television and watched the final phase of the Masters golf tournament in Augusta, Ga. Angel Cabrera of Argentina won in a two-hole, sudden-death playoff, which the group was not necessarily happy about. I think most of us wanted to see Kenny Perry win because if had he would have been the oldest guy to win the Masters or any major tournament. At least he made to the playoff.
As we sat there enjoying the sport on television, we began to discuss Easters past.
One year, about 10 years ago, Cousin Sarah drove a three-wheeler through a barb-wire fence. She went to the emergency room.
Then another year Cousin Kari split her eye open after she and Cousin Nick were wrestling and she hit her face on a dresser after she jumped of a nearby bed. She got three stitches for the trouble.
A few years back Mary Steffes stepped on nail. I hope her tetanus shots were up to date.
No injuries were incurred this year, but I’m sure other bumps and bruises have occurred throughout the history of the Vogts Easter Bonanza, which is fine because more are sure to take place.
It all adds to the lore of the event, which I look forward to almost as much as St. Patrick’s Day. That says a lot because I love St. Patrick’s Day.
This year was a little different, but it was fun just the same. I’m already looking forward to next year.
Hopefully by this time next year, though, I will fully understand how the Easter Bunny lays eggs and how it all ties into the Christian reasons behind the holiday.
It would be cool to catch an Easter Bunny. Think of the money you could make by having a rabbit that lays eggs . . .