At the bottom of the 6 o’clock hour, this is a quick update from a table in Montana Mike’s in McPherson, Kan.:
While waiting for a table for 30 minutes at Montana Mike’s, the restaurant phone kept ringing. Well, one of the other people waiting for a place to sit decided to pick up the phone. He talked to the person on the other end for some time as the manager stood nearby nervously watching and listening.
I don’t think the manager liked it, but it was hilarious.
ALSO . . . .
I updated the home page of my main site, www.vogtsworld.com. I gave it a cleaner look, I think. It is nothing fancy, but it should be easier to navigate and use without so much clutter.
My cousin, Amanda Shafer, now has a blog. I helped her set it up, complete with a custom header that I designed. Check it out at http://mouthymedicine.wordpress.com.
. . . . That is all for this news update. Stay tune for more from The Voice of the Vogts!