It’s official.
As of Wednesday, I am now the editor in chief of The Wichita State University Sunflower, which is the student newspaper serving WSU.
I spent the past couple of days cleaning the editor office and settling in some. Part of this adjustment period has involved the purchase of a childhood dream.
I am going to have fish in my new journalistic domicile.
Since I was very small, I have wanted pet fish. I realize this may seem a bit strange seeing as most toddlers want a puppy, a kitty, or even a pony. However, I am, and always have been, a bit lazy, so a fish seemed like the perfect fit because they are very low maintenance.
My parents tried to help me out when I was younger. They got me a gold fish and put it in a large jar on the entertainment center. Everything seemed to work well with the little swimmer at first. However, it was the winter season, and, since we utilize a wood-burning fireplace for our source of warmth, one day the little creature was floating with its belly reaching for the heavens.
It seems as though the house got a bit too warm and the fish boiled in its home.
Every since the loss of my first gilled friend, I have longed to again have a fish as a pet, but I realized such a pet would not survive because our house got too cozy during the winter.
Now, with a brand-new office to put my own personal touch on, I have the opportunity to finally care for fish.
I already have the tank filled with water, and the tank treatment is currently taking place as the water cycles through the filters a few times. By Monday, I will have fish swimming in my office.
Speaking of the fish, I already have them picked out. In fact, each on will have a name.
I intend upon purchasing one Koi. Its name will be Walter Cronkite. I will also be getting various breeds of Goldfish. Each one will also have one of four names, which include Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward, Stephen Glass, and Jayson Blair.
As you can see, all my fish will be named after notable journalists. After all, I am working for a news-media outlet.
Also, I plan on getting a Plecostomus, which is a fish that helps keep tanks clean by eating algae growth. This fish will also be named after a journalist with whom all employees at The Sunflower are well acquainted.
Besides my getting of the office and fish, other big changes will also be taking place with the paper.
The first summer edition, which will be printed every Wednesday, comes out on June 6, and it will be in a broadsheet format, which basically means it will sized more to look like The McPherson Sentinel or The New York Times or any other professional newspaper people would be familiar with.
It’s going to be an exciting year as editor in chief, and I’m really looking forward to all it has to offer.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to pick out what plants I’m going to put in my new fish tank.