GREENSBURG, Kan. – Today has possibly been my busiest day yet.
I have helped several people with audio recording and production, as well as a few “get my video on the Web site” issues, besides conducting interviews for a couple stories I’m working on.
When people found out I was leaving today, they kicked into high gear, which is fine with me.
It is a sad day, though, because I hate to leave, especially since the project isn’t complete.
I hate leaving things undone, but my job is calling. I have to reclaim the reins at The Ledger.
At least I feel like I’ve made progress today.
People’s stories are coming together nicely and getting uploaded to the Greensburg Rebirth project Web site.
I am particularly excited to complete a story about this project and a separate piece about one of the project members who is from Lindsborg, Kan., which isn’t far from where I grew up and currently work. I hope the local weekly publisher will run the story. I think that would be neat.
I did briefly fall asleep, but my phone started ringing a lot.
For the most part, it was my brother, Troy.
The first few calls were more social in nature as he was trying to get an idea on this weekend’s djing schedule.
But the last call was tough.
Gladys Osthoff died today in a car wreck.
She is from Clay Center, Kan., and she and her family are like family to me and mine.
It has been a tough afternoon, especially when I called home to check on my mom and see how she was handling it.
She was bawling, and I don’t handle seeing or hearing others cry very well.
Those people in Clay Center might as well be blood, so I know it is going to be a difficult few days.
Such sad news aside, my almost-two-weeks in Greensburg has been good, and I look forward to working with the project again next year.
For now I must go as I prepare to head back home to Moundridge.
In the mean time, please continue to read www.greensburgrebirth.com. Everyone is working hard, and the products of their efforts deserve all due attention.
Stay tuned tomorrow for a wrap-up post about my time in Greensburg.
I will try to post something Friday about the project, but I can’t make any promises since I won’t be here with a finger on the pulse of the project.