Vogts’ ‘Murder at St. Alfanus’ novel goes on sale

"Murder at St. Alfanus" by Todd Vogts

Remember on June 6 when I posted I had published my first novel, “Murder at St. Alfanus”?

Well, I’ve got more news . . .

It is now on sale for purchase! It costs $16.50 and is a 262-page paperback published by Strategic Book Group.

Words can’t describe how excited I am.

Should you be so inclined, the first and best place to purchase the book is on my author website: http://sbpra.com/ToddVogts/.

Since that is my site, it is the best for me in terms selling it; however, that isn’t the only place you can buy it, and the sales count no matter where it is purchased from.

It is also available on Amazon.com at the following address: http://www.amazon.com/Murder-St-Alfanus-Todd-Vogts/dp/1609766113/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1313981048&sr=8-1.

Or you can buy it on Barnes & Noble at the following address: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/murder-at-st-alfanus-todd-vogts/1104995951.


It all happened very quickly.

Friday evening I started getting emails talking about press releases and how I would like to marketing my book, including the aforementioned author website.

I was getting excited.

Then I got three emails in a row Friday night. When this happened, I knew good things were taking place because I’d been told I’d get three emails in a row when I was released to marketing and accepted by them. With marketing come sales, so I knew the book was basically for sale.

But I wanted to be sure before I climbed onto the roof and began shouting about my book.

Emails were traded back and forth through Saturday, and finally this morning I was told point-blank the book was on sale.

Then I became ecstatic!

I didn’t post about it being on sale right away, though. I wanted to tell my mother first. Once I got that phone call to McPherson County made, I posted it online.

The first place I talked about it was on my book’s Facebook Page, which can be found at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Murder-At-St-Alfanus-by-Todd-Vogts/130604390354057. If you are willing, I would love to have you go check out that page and give it a hearty “Like.”

Then I posted it to my Twitter feed, which in turn put it on my personal Facebook profile.

Now I’m posted it here on The Voice of the Vogts.

This isn’t the end of the journey, though.

My goal from my publisher is to sell at least 1,000 copies. If I hit that mark and beyond, my next book, which I’m currently working on, will be a shoe-in.

Also, I am working on setting up a book signing in McPherson, Kan., at The Bookshelf. Starting Monday, I will be pursuing this even more heavily. I couldn’t make much progress before because I didn’t know when the book would be for sale.

See, my book will also be listed with wholesalers such as Ingram and others.

And since my book will be available through such wholesalers, any bookstore in the country could choose to sell my book. I hope they do.

I want to do as many book signings as I can. I am going to try to do some in my current home of Ness County, Kan., and anywhere else there is an interest.

Like I said before, I wouldn’t have gotten it published if it weren’t for all the support from my family and friends. Specifically, I want to thank my roommates, Jerod Horchem and Travis Schafer, for prodding me along and helping me proof the manuscript several times.

Also, my mother, Karen Vogts, deserves thanks for instilling in me the love of reading. She also proofed it once.
And I can’t leave out my brother, Troy Vogts, and my father, Steve Vogts, for my love of golf. Since I was very young, I remember playing golf with those two, and now I enjoy going out whenever I can.

This is a dream come true. I have been writing short stories since I was in the fourth grade, and I’ve wanted to be a real author ever since. Now I have achieved that.

I thank everyone in advance for purchasing “Murder at St. Alfanus.” It truly means the world to me, and if you tell a friend, I’m even more grateful.

I hope those of you who do decide to purchase the book enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it, though that may not be possible.

I would love to hear what you think. Please let me know. Shoot me an email, post a comment to the Facebook Page, write a review on Amazon, give me call or even stop me on the street the next time you see me and let me have it, whether you liked it or not.

Oh, and as always, if you buy it, I will sign it.

Thanks again, and stay tuned for more information regarding book signings and other news.

"Murder at St. Alfanus" by Todd Vogts
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About toddvogts 852 Articles
Todd R. Vogts, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of media at Sterling College in Kansas. Previously, he taught yearbook, newspaper, newsmagazine, and online journalism in various Kansas high schools, and he ran a weekly newspaper in rural Kansas. He continues to freelance as a professional journalist from time to time. Also, Vogts is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), the Journalism Education Association (JEA), and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), among others. He earned his Master Journalism Educator (MJE) certification from JEA in 2022. When he’s not teaching or writing, he runs his mobile disk jockey service and takes part in other entrepreneurial ventures. He can be reached at twitter.com/toddvogts or via his website at www.toddvogts.com.